Tuesday, January 8, 2008

reminder of another kind.....

Chad's 12 of 12 reminder not only reminded me that the 12th is coming but that my driver's license is also set to expire next week! (and WHY did it remind me?!?!? well because last month someone else who posted went to renew their license on the 12th and took a picture) I haven't received a reminder (and hopefully mail renewal notice) and had to call DMV this morning. while they have no clue why I didn't get my notice, I can't renew online or by mail without the mailing......so I must go in. blech!!!

the closest DMVs don't have appointments available until mid February. and while I haven't been pulled over in 10ish years, having an expired license will GUARANTEE me a ticket.....you just know that! and because showing up without an appointment causes my stomach to lurch, I kept looking at DMVs farther and farther away. now I have an appointment ON my birthday at 11am.....and a DMV that is almost 45 minutes away. not anything close to an ideal situation.

so while I am not cancelling that appointment, I have a Plan AA (can't be a Plan B because wouldn't that be the plan if and when Plan A falls through?!?!?). I am praying for nasty horrible scary weather for tomorrow or Thursday morning. I am going to go to Starbucks after dropping the boys off for school and then I am going to hang out in the closest DMV's parking lot with a good book and just wait! if I think I can get through there in less than the 1 1/2 hours it will take me to drive round trip to my appointment then I am going to wait it out. why the nasty horrible scary weather prayers? because I am thinking the people who don't HAVE to be there or on the roads WON'T be there and I can get through quicker.

let's hope that is the case......and that my hair doesn't look like crap from the rain!


Hatter J said...

I hate the DMV--sorry that you have to go in person. Ours aren't as bad, and they don't make appointments-it's all first come first served.

Hopefully it will work out for you!

Bec said...

Thanks again for the reminder about 12 of 12! It's my birthday...hope I'll have some pictures of some fabulous presents (but trying not to get my hopes up!)