Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I should have known....

I woke up this morning and my knee would barely bend. it was the worst it has been in a long LONG time!! at first I thought it was a funny joke about me getting older....

see....when I was younger....MUCH younger.....I injured both my knees through excessive dancing. that always sounds funny but it is the truth. needless to say I was told if I kept at it I might not be walking by 40. HA! showed them....I am still walking. but I am not an excessive dancer anymore either. but since that specific weekend I have joked that I have a sailor's knee.....it tells me the weather. or more specifically when it is going to be nasty rainy weather. it gets all tight and crickety.....if that is how you would spell that word.

so I should have looked out the window before thinking I was just old. I should have taken some ham with me out the door this morning....I could have had a nice bowl of ham and PEA SOUP fog soup!! goodness gracious it was foggy this morning! so foggy that I missed the turn to pick up our young carpooler. so foggy that I had my windshield wipers going the entire trip to school and work.

and funny thing....I cross county lines to get to work. usually the fog stops at the county line. I always joke with a co-worker that it is because this is county is in a higher income tax bracket and they can afford to keep the fog out. in all honesty I thought it was because they had more trees around the streets....... anyway.....this morning the fog followed me all the way to work.....across county lines and all.

thank goodness it was Mother Nature and not Father Time making my knee sore today!


Hatter J said...

Wow...another human barometer...thought that I was the only one.

...and yeah, the fog disappears and visibility increases once I get to work also.

Cecilie @ ancema.dk said...

Love your posts - so well written. This made me smile.

So you didn't take the boys to Starbucks today?

Dianne said...

Hmmm...I have one of those knees. It's been informing me of the snow we've had on and off for the last few days. On the other hand...when it's just cloudy and damp...my hands take over the weather report!