Wednesday, July 30, 2008

i know things could be worse.....

But honestly that doesn't make it much better!

I woke up with a runny nose and sore throat.
I lent a memory card to a lady at Fire Camp. I got it back last night. This morning I went to look at the photos and the card was empty!!! Most of the photos on that card weren't Fire Camp. I am hoping the images are on her computer but she is having computer problems.
I found out today that one of the baseball games I bought tickets to is at 11:35am on Weds! Who can go to a mid-day game on a Weds?!?!?

But I must remember......things could be worse!


scrapper al said...

I keep thinking things could be worse, but that just discourages me, lol. So, hope the sniffles go away soon, you somehow get lots of photos from Fire Camp, and LM is back up soon (T cancelled dinner because he was too busy :().

Anonymous said...

Fire camp sounds fun! I'm a little under the weather myself... icky throat, snotty nose, achiness. And no LM. :(

Hope you get to feeling better!!

Hatter J said...

The weather is under the weather here. Been raining ALL week. Any other time I would have used it as an opportunity to get house stuff done, but sadly; all it has done is make me incredibly anxious.

Sorry about the LM. That's been down for quite a while now hasn't it? Sorry about the fire camp photos. I learned that same exact lesson a long time ago, and now burn CD's rather then send off the original. Sure it is more expensive that way, but much less disappointing.
Wednesday game stinks, I guess their thought was that it was summer so everyone should be off. I keep catching myself with that mindset now.

Just Jen said...

Life without LM is just about as bad as it gets! I miss all you guys so much! Hopefully Thad will get us up and running soon!

Hope you can get the photos of fire camp!