Monday, June 2, 2008

bookend birthdays.....

things have been crazy around here. trying to get in the swing of the new job has taken quite a toll on my free time. dh is working on taking over making dinners and R is helping out a bit more around the house. thankfully summer is almost upon us and that means that atleast I won't have to do the morning carpool before catching Light Rail to work.

today, being June 2nd is the calm in the eye of the storm. R's birthday was yesterday and D's birthday is tomorrow. we celebrated this year with a miserable day at Great America. it was cold and windy and the boys lasted about 5 hours before wanting to head home. on top of that lunch almost killed us all it was so gross. if anything might push me to becoming a was that hamburger! all in all we spent more time driving back and forth than we did at the park.

yesterday we went to Melting Pot for the next part of the ongoing party train. we joined a grown up couple for a lovely dinner. thankfully no hamburger there and the food is always superb!!

today was our day to rest from stuffing ourselves and tomorrow we will be off to Red Robin for the last of our great birthday parties. seems silly but Red Robin is our traditional place of celebration. we go every year on Gotcha Day and for birthdays.

D turns 10 this year. it isn't as shocking as when R turned 10. I wonder if that has anything to do with being the second child or because he hasn't actually been with us for all those years? not really sure other than it is still strange to think that he is 10.......

so anyway........hopefully I will be back up to speed and blogging AND scrapping more. I sure hope so!


scrapper al said...

Happy Birthday D and R!

Dianne said...

Many Happy Birthday wishes to all of you! Celebrate well!

Hatter J said...

Happy Birthday guys!!!

Being vegetarian isn't so bad. I've made the switch and now the only meat that I eat is fish.

I'm jealous, our Melting Pot closed and the next closest one is an hour and 1/2 away. 10 is a cool age. I think that I actually liked being 10. 12 was the last of the good years though. After that I started forgetting what it meant to be a kid. Which is why I have reverted ever so slightly.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have 2 happy birthdays :)